虚岁45岁男女流年面相 45岁寿上 四十五嵗:夀上

丹阳子 110 0
This passage seems to pertain to the analysis of one's facial features in relation to their fortune and health, a common practice in some Eastern cultures. It discusses the specific characteristics to look for in an individual at the age of 45 (in traditional years, which is often referred to as "virtual" or "lunar" age). The focus is on the "sou" or "夀" area of the face, which typically refers to the area around the eyebrows and is believed to indicate longevity and fortune during this period of life.






 (二)部位良好的征象:没有横纹冲破。 和年上一样,挺而有气势 没有黑痣。 不会露骨。 不会起节。


 与年上相同,为官者会升官。 权力向上之象。 名气会增加。 财运顺利。 如相格本是好的话,是年会大发达。 

(四)部位不良的征象: 起节。 露骨。 有横纹冲破。 凹陷无气势。 有黑痣。 


 亦和年上相同,是年必破大财。 为官者贬官。 身体,尤其是腰部会有问题。 有官非牢狱之灾。 有离婚,感情婚姻失败之象。


 要看右耳珠。如果右耳有耳珠,这个部位生得 不好,凶灾也可减。如果这个部位生得不好,凶灾也 可减。如果这个部位生得好,又有右耳珠,则吉上加 吉。

 再看印掌。如果印堂饱满,则凡凶可以化解, 吉则添吉。印堂生得差,凶险会加剧,吉也会减低。 眉毛生得好,即使这部位差,也可化解。眉毛 生得差,即使这位置生得好,也会减低其吉气。

标签: #流年面相 #寿上面相